Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Dear Indians,
Wishing all of you a VERY HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. Hope we can achieve more in times to come than we have achieved in the past 61 years.

On 15Th Aug we unfurl the INDIAN FLAG, with pomp, glory & pride. What do we see the very next day???????? The national flag torn or lying on the ground in a ganda nallah........Long Live India.............This thing must be stopped at all cost & the only way i see it is "EACH ONE TEACH ONE".....
Last year, i saw a man, his wife and a small son walking in front of me. The boy was hitting the mother with the flag. Just after that he turned the flag upside down & started dragging in on the mud. His parents took notice of it & didn't say anything. I had to interject & asked the small boy not to do that, as it was our national flag. Had the boy been me & the man my father i would have got the hardest slap of my life from my father, irrespective of my age.

I also take this opportunity to present you with the FLAG CODE of INDIA. It basically elaborates on how we should handle the flag.

Please visit the site & know your flag & take pride in it.Lets make it a point this Independence day that whatever happens, we will not ignore any torn or fallen flag, if we call India our MADARE-WATAN or Motherland.



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